Day 1 – Session 2D – Mentoring Models for Academic Managers

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Session 2 – Professional Development and Teacher Empowerment

Room D

Mentoring Models for Academic Managers

Download the Presentation (PDF)

This session will examine various mentoring models and their applicability in ELT settings, and discuss strategies for implementing effective peer mentoring programs for academic managers.
Peer mentoring will be discussed from both a theory and practice perspective, with insights shared from academic research and a small case study.

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss their own contexts and envisage how to apply peer mentoring, and share experiences and ideas with their fellow ELT managers.

The session is aimed at ELT academic managers of all levels, and may also apply to management of Student Services staff.

Presenter: Sandra Pitronaci

Sandra Pitronaci is National Director ELICOS & Pathways at ILSC Education Group, and has been actively involved in CoPs throughout her ELT career. She is passionate about helping others connect and share, and is a fervent believer in abundance theory and the importance of CoPs and SIGs.

Sandra is currently Convenor of English Australia AMSIG, Contributing Editor of the English Australia Journal, Newsletter Editor and Committee Member of IATEFL LAMSIG, and one of a dedicated Admin team for the 2,000+ member #AusELT online CoP. She is also looking forward to actively participating in the NEAS Leadership in ELT CoP as it develops and expands. At ILSC, Sandra leads the team of DoSs across ILSC Australia’s five national campuses, and enjoys helping them strive to be outward-looking, service-minded professionals.

This session will examine various mentoring models and their applicability in ELT settings and discuss strategies for implementing effective peer mentoring programs for academic managers.

Presenter: Barbara Craig

Barbara Craig is a researcher with an interest in staff professional development in ELT, focussing on leader development. Her PhD (in progress) explores the roles and needs of middle leaders and managers in the ELT sector. For the ten years prior to undertaking research, she was in senior management roles at Macquarie University’s English Language Centre as Head of Academic Programs and Head of Centre. Like many before her, prior to management roles, she enjoyed the challenge and privilege of classroom teaching.