Day 1 – Session 4D – Student Tracking and Curriculum Enhancement

Session 4 – Navigating Global Trends in ELT Management

Room D

Student Tracking and Curriculum Enhancement

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Improving ELICOS curriculums by identifying academic issues experienced by students who have progressed from an ELICOS program into tertiary programs.

Effectively preparing ESL students for the challenges of higher education is a shared objective among educators today. This paper centres on the improvement of ELICOS curriculums by identifying and addressing academic challenges encountered by students who have transitioned from ELICOS programs to tertiary education. The research seeks to improve ELICOS courses for a smoother transition and academic success for international students.

The study employs a mixed-methods approach involving surveys, interviews and an analysis of academic performance data. This comprehensive methodology is employed to gain a deep understanding of the difficulties that ELICOS graduates face in tertiary education. The valuable insights from the findings have given significant input into rethinking, reshaping and redefining ELICOS courses. The research suggests customising ELICOS courses with academic skill-building and cultural training to help students better prepare for higher education.

Presenter: Dona Paranawithana

Dona Paranawithana is an ESL Teacher at Aspire English. She has an MBA from the University of Colombo and is pursuing her doctoral studies in education. Her innate passion for technology led her to research social media marketing for her MBA. She has over seven years of experience in ELICOS and VET administration in both CRICOS and domestic colleges. Furthermore, she was the lead coordinator for ASQA ELICOS course review audits in her previous employment.

Her drive for technology, coupled with her negotiation and marketing skills, initiated university affiliations where she was the key ambassador and project manager. Dona’s passion for education and teaching has fueled her to thrive in research and continuous improvement. She prefers to break barriers and think outside the frame to bring fresh ideas into her workplace. Her hobbies include reading and travelling. Dona hopes to continue being an active researcher and make valuable contributions to the ELICOS sector.

Presenter: Trancy Vo

Trancy Vo is the Student Centre Coordinator at Aspire Institute and Aspire English. Trancy has a Master’s Degree in Management and Organisations from ICMS, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from University of Sunderland (UK). Trancy has over six years of experience in Student Services.

Her current role involves key administration and leadership, accountability for improving the overall student experience through the delivery of exceptional support services both administrative and customer focused. Trancy is also part of the Aspire Wellness Team where students can seek informal personal guidance and support if they have any physical or emotional issues that affect their academic progression.

Day 1 – Session 4C – Research, Innovations and Product Developments in Language Testing

Session 4 – Navigating Global Trends in ELT Management

Room C

Navigating the latest research, innovations and product developments in language testing

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Journey into the forefront of language testing and gain invaluable insights into the latest research, product developments, and innovations shaping language assessment. This session will dive into recent research findings as well as product enhancements in language testing. This session aims to equip academic managers with insights and knowledge needed to make informed decisions that meet the evolving needs of international students in Australia. Join us to gain a deeper understanding of current findings and ensure your institution stays ahead in the dynamic world of international education.

Presenter: Sue Rowlands

Sue Rowlands is the Stakeholder Relations Manager at Pearson. She is a committed client relationship manager with 20 years’ experience in managing high value, strategic partnerships for appointed organisations and clients. Sue has substantial experience in government and corporate environments and internal relations across an international global network. Sue is committed to achieving organisational commercial objectives and ensuring exceptional client satisfaction.

Day 1 – Session 4B – Transnational Delivery in ELT

Session 4 – Navigating Global Trends in ELT Management

Room B

Transnational Delivery in ELT: Expanding Beyond Borders

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Explore the growth and impact of transnational delivery models in ELT management.

Discuss the advantages, challenges, and best practices associated with offering ELT programs across international borders.

Share your experience of navigating transnational delivery and your experience in ensuring quality and compliance.

Presenter: Heather Thomas

Heather Thomas is the Deputy General Manager and Director of Global Programs at UOW College Australia. Her experience in the English Language sector includes teaching and managing AMEP and ELICOS programs as well as strategic development of Group Programs, English Language Support for University students and language testing.

Heather is currently responsible for Student Services and Academic Quality as well as developing and managing opportunities for the collaborative delivery of programs with offshore partners.
She is the Vice President/ Secretary of UECA and a Life Member of NEAS.
Heather was awarded the 2020 IEAA Excellence Award for Excellence in Leadership in International Education.

Day 1 – Session 4A – Australia’s changing ELT Landscape and IELTS

Session 4 – Navigating Global Trends in ELT Management

Room A

Australia’s changing ELT Landscape and IELTS

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IELTS has now published the full assessment scales used by examiners. Recently, IELTS completed a review of its Writing assessment criteria to ensure they remain transparent, fair, and fit for purpose.

As the only major test with publicly available, transparent marking criteria, the IELTS’ band descriptors outline the specific criteria that will be used to evaluate test takers’ work, and the performance levels associated with each criterion. This clarity and transparency helps test takers to understand what is expected of them and how they will be evaluated. Critical to this is enhancing IELTS preparation teachers’ engagement with the marking criteria.

This session provides academic managers with more information on the review and what has been updated, how band descriptors can inform curriculum design and how the band score descriptors now form the basis of a professional development course available to all teachers.

Presenter: Reza Tasviri

Reza Tasviri is the IELTS Assessment Research Lead at IDP Education. He has over 26 years of experience in the ESL sector, and has lectured in Teaching Methodology, Assessment and Research Methodology. Reza has been closely involved with IELTS for 16 years and is a member of a number of IELTS research cross-partner working groups and has been involved in a number of high-profile partnered research projects.

Presenter: Vincent Blokker

Vincent works as Head of Partnerships for IELTS in Australasia & Japan. He promotes awareness and supports the wide range of organisations that use IELTS for entry, registration, and migration purposes.

Since joining IDP Education in 2013, Vincent has worked across operations, marketing, and stakeholder engagement for the world’s leading English test. He has developed and presented IELTS webinars and written test preparation blogs for test takers. Currently, he oversees a team supporting test takers across the Australasian region.

Vincent also leads dedicated events for TESOL professionals in Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific and Japan. As a result, Vincent understands the expectations of IELTS test takers, teachers, and the requirements of stakeholders who accept IELTS results.

He believes English language tests should be human-centric while combining the highest quality controls, security procedures and integrity management practices to ensure all stakeholders can trust its results. Vincent holds a PhD in international relations and is currently working towards an MBA.

Convenor: Brian Smith

Brian Smith is Global Head of Stakeholder Engagement at IDP Education based in Melbourne. Brian’s work focuses on key stakeholders such as Government policy makers, national and international peak bodies and education providers around the world.

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Day 1 – Session 3D – Innovative Approaches to Testing and Evaluation

Session 3 – Technology and Digital Innovation in ELT

Room D

Assessment in the Digital Age: Innovative Approaches to Testing and Evaluation

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Amid AI’s accelerating presence in Education and most aspects of society, institutions are under unprecedented pressure to collaborate with AI tools for student engagement, teaching and assessment. Duolingo, the world’s largest EdTech company, is ‘all-in’ on harnessing AI to transform educational access and outcomes. Duolingo proposes this workshop to have a broader discussion on the role of AI in education, and its power to enhance assessment design and assessment security. Participants will have opportunities to debate their own views of AI across Education, and to share best practice from their experiences in implementing AI tools in their own contexts.

The session is most-valuable for those interested in:

  • Discussing broader themes of AI and its impact on education
  • Using AI and digital technologies for assessment creation
  • Securing digital or remote assessments
  • Quality assurance and ethics when implementing AI
  • Learning about the experiences of other institutions and contexts

Duolingo will also briefly share their latest test updates, research and innovation focus for 2024.

Don’t miss this exploration of AI’s transformative potential in educational assessment.

Presenter: Brett Blacker

Brett is the Managing Director for Australia and New Zealand at Duolingo, the creator of the Duolingo English Test.

Previously, he served as the CEO of English Australia, representing English language colleges nationally. With a wealth of experience, Brett has held pivotal roles such as Director International at the University of Newcastle and Murdoch University, and as General Manager at Allianz Global Assistance.

His commitment to international education is underscored by his leadership, including a past presidency at the International Education Association of Australia (IEAA), and active involvement on various state and national Boards, including the National Council for International Education.

Presenter: James Holden

A passionate languages teacher and student, James has taught English in 5 countries and speaks 4 languages, making him an advocate for both the power of international education, and the need to reduce barriers which prevent many from pursuing it. James has worked extensively across Government and international education providers on a range of education and migration policy initiatives, partnerships and student recruitment.

Most recently James has been based in Tasmania as the Head of Marketing and Recruitment for TasTAFE and Tasmanian Government Schools. He leads Duolingo’s engagement across Australia and New Zealand and is excited about improving access and affordability for those who want to study here.

Day 1 – Session 3C – AI and Adaptive Learning in ELT

Session 3 – Technology and Digital Innovation in ELT

Room C

AI and Adaptive Learning in ELT: Personalising Education at Scale

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In this workshop, we will share how Academic English Programs at UNSW College has managed the challenges of AI and the impacts on learning and assessment through the implementation of an AI Framework, and what we have learned since its implementation. For participants, this is an opportunity to draw on shared experiences of managing the impacts of AI on teaching and assessment to build shared best practices through workable responses.

Presenter: Maria Naidoo

Maria Naidoo manages ELICOS courses in Academic English Programs at UNSW College. Before this she worked as an ESL teacher, a resource writer and an Academic Manager in the Adult Migrant English Program. Maria co-convenes the English Australia Direct Entry Program Special Interest Group. She received the English Australia Academic Leadership Award in 2021. She encourages staff development and wellbeing to support international student success and to manage the changes inherent to Academic English pathway programs.    

Presenter: Kate Randazzo

Kate Randazzo is a leading education professional at UNSW College, where she supports the delivery of ELICOS courses in Academic English Programs. She has taught across a range of courses and has been involved in numerous curriculum and assessment development projects. She has a Master of Education (TESOL) and a Professional Certificate of Language Assessment. She received the English Australia Action Research in ELICOS award in 2021.

Day 1 – Session 3B – Leading and Supporting Staff Learning

Session 3 – Technology and Digital Innovation in ELT

Room B

Leading and Supporting Staff Learning

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This workshop focuses on the important role Academic Managers play in supporting and fostering staff learning. We look at what ongoing and informal learning might look like in practice and why prioritising staff learning results in many positives for both staff and students.

During the workshop we will engage with what staff learning looks like, the challenges with fostering a culture of informal learning in the staffroom, and the benefits in establishing staff learning as a priority in your organisation.

Presenter: Benjamin Carkagis

As the Education Manager at University of Sydney NSW, Benjamin is a a passionate advocate for education and enjoy creating teaching and learning experiences that support individuals and organisations achieve their goals. He has experience in designing face to face, online and blended learning programs for diverse learners.

He will be presenting on Leading and Supporting Staff Learning.

Day 1 – Session 3A – Fostering Innovation in ELT Programs

Session 3 – Technology and Digital Innovation in ELT

Room A

Fostering Innovation in ELT Programs

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Explore alternative approaches to curriculum design.

Presenter: Charlene Blackshaw-Bennett

Charlene Blackshaw-Bennett, a dynamic ELICOS academic manager in Sydney, merges her diverse expertise in Performing Arts, Anthropology, and TESOL. With a passion for intercultural communication, she orchestrates innovative language programs. Charlene fosters an inclusive learning environment, where students flourish and cultural understanding thrives under her guidance.

Day 1 – Session 2D – Mentoring Models for Academic Managers

Session 2 – Professional Development and Teacher Empowerment

Room D

Mentoring Models for Academic Managers

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This session will examine various mentoring models and their applicability in ELT settings, and discuss strategies for implementing effective peer mentoring programs for academic managers.
Peer mentoring will be discussed from both a theory and practice perspective, with insights shared from academic research and a small case study.

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss their own contexts and envisage how to apply peer mentoring, and share experiences and ideas with their fellow ELT managers.

The session is aimed at ELT academic managers of all levels, and may also apply to management of Student Services staff.

Presenter: Sandra Pitronaci

Sandra Pitronaci is National Director ELICOS & Pathways at ILSC Education Group, and has been actively involved in CoPs throughout her ELT career. She is passionate about helping others connect and share, and is a fervent believer in abundance theory and the importance of CoPs and SIGs.

Sandra is currently Convenor of English Australia AMSIG, Contributing Editor of the English Australia Journal, Newsletter Editor and Committee Member of IATEFL LAMSIG, and one of a dedicated Admin team for the 2,000+ member #AusELT online CoP. She is also looking forward to actively participating in the NEAS Leadership in ELT CoP as it develops and expands. At ILSC, Sandra leads the team of DoSs across ILSC Australia’s five national campuses, and enjoys helping them strive to be outward-looking, service-minded professionals.

This session will examine various mentoring models and their applicability in ELT settings and discuss strategies for implementing effective peer mentoring programs for academic managers.

Presenter: Barbara Craig

Barbara Craig is a researcher with an interest in staff professional development in ELT, focussing on leader development. Her PhD (in progress) explores the roles and needs of middle leaders and managers in the ELT sector. For the ten years prior to undertaking research, she was in senior management roles at Macquarie University’s English Language Centre as Head of Academic Programs and Head of Centre. Like many before her, prior to management roles, she enjoyed the challenge and privilege of classroom teaching.

Day 1 – Session 2C – Continuous Professional Development for ELT Managers

Session 2 – Professional Development and Teacher Empowerment

Room C

Lifelong Learning and Continuous Professional Development for ELT Managers

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Drawing on the work that has been done in other Australian education sectors and the wider TESOL sector globally, this session will explore the professional practices and leadership requirements of ELT academic managers. Through this, the workshop aims to assist new and experienced academic managers in identifying their strengths as leaders and the areas where they perceive they need to develop further. This will assist them to develop a learning plan appropriate for their specific context and personal leadership goals.

Presenter: Sharon Leslie

Sharon Leslie is the Director of English Language Program at Southern Cross University, Australia. She has worked for almost two decades in English language education and assessment in Australia. Before joining Southern Cross University in 2015, Sharon worked as an advisory visiting teacher for Education Queensland and as a teacher and manager in TAFE and ELICOS Colleges. Sharon also worked for eight years with QUT as an IELTS Examiner. She holds a Master of Education (TESOL), a Bachelor of Education (Honours), a Graduate Diploma of Education and a Bachelor of Arts (Applied Linguistics).

Sharon’s research interests include language assessment, international student engagement, online learning and teacher professional development. The latter is the focus of her doctoral studies. Sharon is on the management committee of the Queensland Association of TESOL (Qatesol) and the Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA). Sharon is now also a member of the NEAS Advisory Council.