Teaching Incarcerated Students
Conference 21.7
Presented by
Rufus James
NEAS Australia
Have you ever imagined going to work with your uniform adorned with epaulettes, carrying a massive bunch of keys & throwing your body weight against heavy metal doors that crash closed with a deafening clang? Working with incarcerated students can be the most rewarding, challenging & demanding job, but is truly one that makes a difference to both students & the wider community. This interactive & engaging session will take you on a wild ride through the trials, tribulations & successes of being an Education Officer in a men’s high security prison & discuss the innovative introduction of a teacher training course for Peer Tutors.
Presenter Bio
Rufus James is currently an Education Officer at a men’s high security protection prison in Brisbane. In previous lives she has been an Academic Manager, university lecturer, CELTA trainer, NEAS Quality Assurance Assessor, chalet maid & lifeguard. Professionally, she is interested in authentic & inspirational leadership, education as a rehabilitative tool & positive psychology. On a talented amateur basis, she is a lover of terrible puns, Norwich City FC & travel (muffled sob).
CPD points: 1