Session 4 – Navigating Global Trends in ELT Management
Room A
Australia’s changing ELT Landscape and IELTS
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IELTS has now published the full assessment scales used by examiners. Recently, IELTS completed a review of its Writing assessment criteria to ensure they remain transparent, fair, and fit for purpose.
As the only major test with publicly available, transparent marking criteria, the IELTS’ band descriptors outline the specific criteria that will be used to evaluate test takers’ work, and the performance levels associated with each criterion. This clarity and transparency helps test takers to understand what is expected of them and how they will be evaluated. Critical to this is enhancing IELTS preparation teachers’ engagement with the marking criteria.
This session provides academic managers with more information on the review and what has been updated, how band descriptors can inform curriculum design and how the band score descriptors now form the basis of a professional development course available to all teachers.
Presenter: Reza Tasviri
Reza Tasviri is the IELTS Assessment Research Lead at IDP Education. He has over 26 years of experience in the ESL sector, and has lectured in Teaching Methodology, Assessment and Research Methodology. Reza has been closely involved with IELTS for 16 years and is a member of a number of IELTS research cross-partner working groups and has been involved in a number of high-profile partnered research projects.
Presenter: Vincent Blokker
Vincent works as Head of Partnerships for IELTS in Australasia & Japan. He promotes awareness and supports the wide range of organisations that use IELTS for entry, registration, and migration purposes.
Since joining IDP Education in 2013, Vincent has worked across operations, marketing, and stakeholder engagement for the world’s leading English test. He has developed and presented IELTS webinars and written test preparation blogs for test takers. Currently, he oversees a team supporting test takers across the Australasian region.
Vincent also leads dedicated events for TESOL professionals in Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific and Japan. As a result, Vincent understands the expectations of IELTS test takers, teachers, and the requirements of stakeholders who accept IELTS results.
He believes English language tests should be human-centric while combining the highest quality controls, security procedures and integrity management practices to ensure all stakeholders can trust its results. Vincent holds a PhD in international relations and is currently working towards an MBA.
Convenor: Brian Smith
Brian Smith is Global Head of Stakeholder Engagement at IDP Education based in Melbourne. Brian’s work focuses on key stakeholders such as Government policy makers, national and international peak bodies and education providers around the world.

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